Name the Film

It has been a slobbing about kind of day today. I did start off with good intentions as I walked to the Marriott for a swim, but then it all went downhill. I bought a paper on the way home which I spent a long time reading. Ellen then sent one of her lovely texts to say she had made scones...she then said that she had given up cake for Lent but didn't class scones as cake...she had decided that Jesus would approve. I said that scones were mentioned frequently in the Bible...the Ark came to rest scone Mount Ararat, God created the World in six days and then rested on Sconeday and of course there is the story of Sconeson and Delilah.

Anyway, Pat, Carole, Ellen and I tucked in to a tasty scone. It was a lovely way to spend the afternoon. I am babysitting for Catherine now and as I hadn't taken any pics today I had to get my little wooden man out for an emergency pic before I left home.

I'm pleased to see Allisonmunro has posted her first entry tonight and has taken the plunge into blipworld :)

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