Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Read Between The Lines.

I suspect that I have been a Bad Parent lately..
Concentrating too much on work, and the pursuit of filthy lucre, as necessary as that may be.
Well, the bills have to be paid, and the supra-corporeal roof requires maintaining...
Santas invoice is pending, along with the music teachers, and the dance teachers, and the Scouts fees, and the swimming teachers stipend, and the after-school service bill...and so on.
To the point of wilfull forgetfulness.

I forgot, for a little (too long of a ) time, that this little blond beast is my one and only and truest equity.
I forgot to notice that she couldnt give a shite if she was on the Space Shuttle, sipping Coke with Hannah Montana....
as long as her Da was there with her, to share the moment.

We do the same things-
Sing out of tune, when we feel like it...
Cut our spaghetti into manageable bits....
Blame the other for Silent But Deadlies...
Laugh like mad yokes at the slightest opportunity...
Read and watch TV at the same time...
Share the same space without the need to acknowledge each other until we need to...

Its like being in love for the first time, all the time...

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