Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills


The Family Mills are hosting a bit of a shindig this weekend, which, on mature reflection, has already lost the run of itself....

The child made a list of the Grandees invited, (her aunts and uncles and cousins, mostly), did the sums, and went...

"Well, Ride Me Sideways..."

We have neither chairs enough, nor tables enough, and dont even start me on the lack of fishknives.

Now, this is what I love about living in a small Irish village-

Called Eddie 6, and secured a matching table and four more chairs, so bums on seats sorted

Called DeeDee G, owner of the local hotel, and scored the lend of whatever plates and tools required, but, sadly, no fishknives.

Good thing we arent having fish, then.

As you can see from the pic, The Child, clearly exhausted by listmaking (and in fairness, home sick from school all week), declined to help in washing of floors.

Roll on the weekend.

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