
By JimBob79

'Things to do'. Discuss

First up I do enjoy my new white board in this absolute tip of an office as being such a visual learner new processes and projects help me to 'try' and keep myself organised. 'Things to do lists' is therefore my topic of debate for this Blip. Every morning, without fail, I see at least 15 people busy writing on a pad their things to do for today. Every afternoon, around 17.00, I see the same 15 people with no ticks or no lines or no 'highlighter pen' through their ever growing list of things to do. Now I'm not saying I'm much better - not at all - if I write a things to do list on a piece of paper I've usually lost said piece of paper 10 minutes later hence the white board. What doesn't help of course are my fellow co workers rubbing them all out by 10.00 everyday. Anyway I digress. The answer to a successful things to do list? Do them immediately

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