
By EvelyneNC

Up And Out - University I

Decided to give the oldest buildings of the University of Nevada Reno (UNR) a closer look today. The weather is just gorgeous, sunny, blue sky and some little floating white clouds. The higher mountains around Reno shimmer in white fresh snowy tops, the big old Cottonwood trees get the first green shimmer too and little bushes are blooming white and pink. The old brick buildings of the University are set around a quad that is covered with lawn now and is used for many purposes. On both length sides of the quad there are double alleys of big trees, but all this I will show you another time (if I have several good choices on one day I tend to chose the picture that might not so easily be repeated).
Today I went into the oldest building and had the chance to climb the impressive stair case all the way up to the 4th floor.
It is the Alumni Building now, the floors are made of light wood and the light just fell in beautifully through the windows. Looking out of the window, you might discover the mountains in the distance, some blue sky and some of the high casino buildings of downtown, which is only 9 blocks away.

I like the lonely wineglass on the window sill and the antique gas lamps, hanging from the ceiling.

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