
By blipblog

Unstaged open

The big day has finally arrived - the first Unstaged competition is now open for entries.

Blipfoto is all about the extraordinary aspects of everyday life and, through this first competition, we want you to submit five journal entries in that spirit around the theme of 'Scotland at Play'. You're encouraged to interpret this in any way you like, the only stipulation is that all your images have to be taken somewhere in Scotland. (The following two competitions are open to anyone, anywhere in the world.)

Again, just like Blipfoto, this isn't necessarily about great photography - your idea and the words you use are equally important. The winners will be a perfect combination of all three... and there are some great prizes, so it's well worth having a go.

The practical stuff

To submit an entry to Unstaged: Scotland at Play, just upload as normal. When you reach step 4 of the upload process, you'll be given the option (pictured) to submit your entry to the current competition.

Click the big yellow button and (providing you agree to the legal stuff) you'll be taken to a page which lists all your Unstaged entries. This gives you a quick overview of your submission, and the option to remove any entries if you change your mind. Once you've submitted at least one entry, an 'Unstaged' option will appear under 'My Journal' in the left hand menu, which lets you access this page at any time.

You'll also notice a little pink 'U' icon in the control panel at the bottom of any entries you post from today onwards, which lets you submit an entry retrospectively or, if the entry's already been submitted, remove it.

If you want to enter from the iPhone app, just tag your image 'unstaged'. (To manage your submissions, you'll need to access the website itself.)

That should give you all the tools and widgets you need to build your complete submission between now and the 12th of February, but you must have five entries included before the closing date for your submission to be put forward for community nomination and final judging.

We'll start displaying the entries in a dedicated area on the Unstaged website in the next couple of weeks, so for maximum exposure start submitting soon.

That's it. If you have any questions, pop them below. If not, we look forward to seeing what you come up with!

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