
By blipblog

Extras, extras!

If you take a peek at your left hand menu, you'l notice a new option called 'Extras'.

This is a completely new section on Blipfoto, full of extra things which enhance the Blipfoto experience. We've made this home to some stuff you probably already know about, like the iPhone app, screensaver and API, but there are some very exciting new goodies for the social networkers...

Blipfoto for Facebook
Blipfoto now has its very own Facebook app, which lets you connect your Blipfoto journal to your Facebook account and automatically update your news feed every time you post a new entry. Just click on the Facebook icon on the extras page to get started.

Blipfoto for Twitter
If you're a tweeter you can connect your Blipfoto account to your Twitter feed, and send an automated update every time you post a new entry. Again, just click on the Twitter icon on the extras page to get the connection set up.

RSS feeds of search results
We've always provided RSS feeds of individual journals, but you can now subscribe to a feed of any search term too. So, if you want to be kept updated every time Tractor Factory Photos posts one of his now legendary Bethablips, just search for 'tagged bethablip by tractorfactoryphotos' and click the RSS icon which appears to the right of the search box.

As usual, a small group of blippers have been testing these new features for us so everything should be working nice and smoothly. However, if you have any questions or problems, just leave a comment below.

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