Tuesday: The One
I took precisely one photo today and here you have it.........
It was a funny old day in which I spent about half an hour at my desk...it went like this:
- go in slightly late to compensate for the fact that I got home after midnight last night;
- have meetings/discussions with various people who had stored up issues in the one day that I was away..........
- out for lunch with my boss and a new contact - new contact was obviously in very leisurely mood and was content to string the meal out.........
- had 5 minutes to make a 15 minute journey back to the office for a meeting with new colleague from Brazil. Brazilian colleague amusingly thought boss was my husband........
- half an hour desk time before birthday drinks for a colleague (this picture taken en route from office to bar)....
And, when they say just a quick drink for my birthday, it never works out quite that way.......
But, the moral of this is that late starts are not all they are cracked up to be.
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