Milecastle 39
A very long day... It started earlier than it might have done.
Last night I asked the kids to follow 3 simple rules for happy families while at my folks: in the morning there should be:
1. No fighting
2. No noise
3. No getting up before 8.
So of course at 7 they were up, fighting loudly.
The main instigator was punished with a whole hour lying bored in my bed while I pretended to sleep. Having been up until after 3am exchanging emails with similarly sleepless neighbours in France, the early start was unwelcome.
Much emailing after breakfast and phone calls too - and now I feel like I've actually given some concrete help to folk back home, I can relax a bit and have a holiday.
So, off to the Roman Wall with Mam to do some research for a presentation K has to give a week on Monday on, luckily, the a Roman Wall.
Mam misremembered how far Housesteads (big fort) is from where we parked (we wanted a bit of a walk) which meant I ended up jogging back to get the car (actually, sprinting once those stampeding cows were behind me - people really need to learn to keep dogs on a lead on farmland.... Still it reminded me what asthma attacks feel like, and that I need to be a bit less complacent about medication...) since it was too far for the rest of them.
So now I am properly tired I hope I can have a decent night's sleep.
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