Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Disaster drop out site

We've had problems with the boiler on and off since we moved in. It fails to ignite, it depressurises, it's generally tempremantal. Well this evening I had to repressurise it. All was going well. The pressure was back, the valves were off, the heating was working. Then we sprung a leak in the hot water cupboard. Noi idea what caused it but it seems to have been connected to a valve going in the bit you use to pressurise the boiler. When I say "sprung a leak" I really mean water was spraying out at face height.

After sitting on the water tank holding a bucket trying to work out what on earth to do I ended up having to chuck as many absorbant items as I could, on the floor before running downstairs (dripping wet) to try and find out where the water turns off.

Didn't find the mains tap but after turning off 5 taps I found in the water cupboard, the leak stopped. This is a photo of the carnage that was left in the bath afterwards... a bath full of towels and duvets and at the top, my soggy sheepskin rug that got caught in the spray.

So now we're without water or heat until the morning.

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