Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Nice weather for ducks.

It's been a horrible day today. The disadvantage of The View is our bay window is very exposed to the elements.

Today we have watched the Gully cleaners working in the rain, the kerbside recyclers working in the rain and the lollypop lady, you guessed it, working in the rain. At one point that I glanced out of the window, in a quiet moment she was taking the time to clear a giant puddle that was forming on the road. Very public spirited of her (or she just enjoys splashing in the rain).

Plumber man came and fixed our leak though it's not good news for the boiler, the system depressurises when the heating is off and overpressurises when the heatings on and there's an occasional leak from somewhere inside the boiler itself.

Also heard from IKEA that our sofas that should have been ready for delivery on the 16th, won't be ready until the 30th.

Backblipped the boiler nightmare

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