Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Busy Day

I've had a lovely day today. In the afternoon I headed to The Chocolate Tree and had a good few hours gossiping with K. This was made even better by the fact they sell a vegan hot chocolate. Nom! Popped by the local brew shop on the way home. It was a bit odd, like going in to a cupboard under the stairs but certainly well stocked. The guy will never be the chatty guy from Edina's though.

I got home and after dinner decided to get out some dinner for Milo as she wouldn't eat last meal. My lovely full freezer - completely defrosted! It turns out the switch is in the cupboard with the pans and must have got knocked. Gutted to have lost so much good food. With a handful of defrosted mice I texted N to see if any of their's could eat them. I also managed to palm off a couple of big bowls of stew on them as well. In return they kindly made me a new hide for Milo as she was getting too cold in her old one.

Unfortunately with the defrosted freezer and unexpected guests there was only time to fire off one quick shot before bed.

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