Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

The short corner

The sunshine promised today did not materialise until just before lunch time. I met a friend for a quick coffee in the village and by the time I came out f the restaurant, so had the sun.

I then went to watch Thomas play in a three schools hockey triangular. The warm weather and sunshine made watching very pleasant - in fact it was too sunny for decent photos! Thomas managed to score a goal in each match so was rather pleased with himself. I liked the concentration on his friend's face during the short corner.

Hoping to catch up on some TV viewing tonight - I am enjoying The Good Wife, Line of Duty and The Following, although the latter is really disturbing at times!

I have noticed that Spotlight has changed - I think the quality of the images that get there has improved. It used to be the same journals that were spotlighted every day, and while some of them were excellent, some were not very good from a photographic point of view. They seem to be looking at other journals now and that is a good thing.

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