@ la martelliere

By Turts99

Angry kitty.

Oh man! Lucano's was excellent, as usual. Haggis ravioli: an inspired hit!

Didn't have a great night's sleep. Nothing's ever as good as your own bed. It probably didn't help that I was truly stuffed. I suppose, having had to finish Gail's pizza too, that the strawberry tiramisu was rather indulgent. The Pickaquoy swimming pool first thing in the morning seemed an ideal way to burn it all off. At ten metres longer than the one on Sanday it certainly was a work-out. Now wide awake, it was time to go shopping. After breakfast at Cafe Lolz, of course!

The return ferry ran back to Sanday on schedule. This picture, taken from the end of Kirkwall pier, illustrates the sea condition. Not that it stopped Gail from panicking because she'd forgotten to take her travel-sickness pills.

Smokey was not a happy bunny when we got home. She spent most of the next couple of hours outside, following us up and down the drive. She also came to meet me when I got back from picking up the Sanday Bus. It is going to take a good few days to get back into her good books. I hope that the new scratch-mat and the white-fish treats go some way to building those bridges.

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