
By LadyFindhorn

Shake a Leg

Had I been lucky enough to have legs to flaunt, I would love to wear these colourful tights. My mother had legs that seemed to stop under her chin, but she must have found mine at the remainder counter, because they are short and stocky and are best encased in trousers.
I have unfortunately lived through the era of stockings attached to liberty bodices, stockings attached to suspenders (not sexy to me!), tights where the gusset invariably ended up just above the knees, tights so sheer that the least innocuous rag nail could produce a ladder of magnificent proportion and now finally I am at a certain point in my life where fashion is secondary to comfort. Yes I have taken to trousers and socks like the men (well most of them) and it is so liberating. Of course I do have some tights which I have to wear on certain occasions, but the latter are becoming less and less common.

It is unbelievable that I didn't own a pair of trousers until I was 15 and then only because I was going on a cycling holiday. Even later at Uni, I can only remember girls wearing skirts, and worse still, teetering around in high heels.
How times have changed. Trousers are now common although I have noticed a worrying trend in some students wearing thick woolly tights under a ruff of skirt which hardly covers their nether regions.
I just hope that trousers for women don't ever go out of fashion so that I can stagger into a comfy old age.

I have been following the forum on the benefits of criticism on blips. Someone suggested that should we wanted it, we should indicate that, when we post the blip. I think it might be a good idea on those blips that we feel are worthy of a critique ie
those which we have put a lot of thought into, and not the ones that just record a passing observation of the day. It's an interesting thought.

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