IF ONLY.....
…..we could bottle the wonderful perfume of flowers so we could remember it later;
…..we were kinder to each other;
…..we were able to step out of our comfort zone and do something wild for someone;
…..we remembered to thank our nearest and dearest for being there for us;
…..we remembered to say the words "I love you" -
and not just at the end of our telephone conversations!
"If only….." - two little words but with so much meaning.
For everyone who asks, receives.
Anyone who seeks, finds.
If only you will knock,
the door will open.
Matthew 7:8
Living Bible
The wonderful perfume of these hyacinths, a birthday present from a friend and lovingly nurtured by Mr. HCB, greeted us as we walked into our house today - it's good to be back home.
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