End of winter

DDW's March Vocabulary Challenge Day 13 : Scialytic

Today started a bit dreich and grey and I took the dogs off for a walk as the wife trundled off to work. The morning wander in the woods is always good for me, and the weather improved whilst I was out. In an amazing twist of fate Sigyn the Inquisitive and Talisker the Bewildered didn't need washed after the walk. Amazing!
A detour on the way to work to see Alasdair (I must blip him sometime) to order some parts for the recalcitrant Rayburn, then on to work and more wrangling of pipes. The boiler is now all connected, it just needs the electrician to do his bit and I can fire it up. Hurrah!
I came home from work and took a wander round the garden to see if I could get some inspiration for today's challenge. This daffodil has burst open today (it is the first one to bloom) and it is wonderful to see the bright splash of colour in the garden. It is truly scialytic - dispelling the last shadows of winter.

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