Eat hay while the sun shines

It was another beautiful morning so I got up early and took Louis out for a walk over the fields at the end of our road before I left for work. The horses were all busy eating their hay, so they provided a perfect blip opportunity with the sun shining on them. Louis enjoyed himself running up and down with a 'Lassie' collie that was in a field - they were separated by a fence but they still had a great time.

On my way to work I got another two messages in response to my leaflet drop yesterday about the car parking, and today I've successfully arranged driveway parking for myself and two of my colleagues. Everyone's happy, we've got safe 'private' parking for less than we'd pay parking on the street, and the house owners have made themselves money for nothing - I think I should definitely go into business!

After the lovely start to the day, we could see from the office windows that a sea mist was slowly moving in, and by the time I drove home there was a thick fog on the coast road. I always think it looks quite eerie, but the temperatures are set to rise again and the forecast is looking good for the weekend.

Anyway, it's Friday tomorrow, and I'm finally starting to feel a bit better, so I'm looking forward to the weekend!

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