
By Riverdale2


I've decided I really should make the effort to have '5-a-day'. Unfortunately, just buying them doesn't count; you've got to eat them as well.

I have, however, been forbidden from eating apples at work. It's for my own safety, according to my colleagues. Whenever I eat an apple at work I end up choking. Either a bit of flesh goes down the wrong way or I manage to 'inhale' some juice and I end up coughing and spluttering and going red in the face. For some reason it doesn't happen at home.

PS. I've been feeling really rubbish for the last day or two so, if I normally comment on your blips but haven't, or if I've failed to respond to your comments on mine, apologies. I'm glad to report, though, that I'm now back to what, for me, passes as normal.

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