Sarah's 2014

By nellie0508

Pancakes for Breakfast

I made myself breakfast after a lie-in, a whole pot of tea and American style pancakes with maple syrup, very yummy.
Today was lazy day with Luke and I both spending most of it in our Pjs. We did venture to Tesco to buy supplies (bacon for sandwiches at brunch, Pringles, biscuits and sweets) then we watched Wreck it Ralph and I made a start on my gift for Terri for when she leaves us in just over a week. It took surprisingly longer than I had anticipated and I only have one section complete, must put the time in this week to get it all done.
Later in the afternoon I had a quick foamy bath and then we watched some Modern Family and laughed a lot at Gloria, she is our favourite.
Lastly when we switched the show off, Sleeping Beauty was playing on sky arts so we just caught the end and saw the grand pas de deux and the finale. Luke has set it to record the repeat tomorrow so we can watch it in full. The Finale Apotheose is the music I have chosen to walk down the aisle to at our wedding as it is one of my favourite pieces, so grand and elegant.
If I can switch around my shift, Sleeping Beauty is playing in cinemas live on Wednesday evening so hopefully I can see it again which would be lovely. Sarah Lamb is playing Aurora and she is very beautiful.
Off to bed now where I am sure I will find Ted sleeping already, last night he was so well behaved sleeping right through and getting into bed with us once but going straight to sleep without disturbing us, such a good little boy!
Today I am grateful for the beauty and grace of the ballet that brings me such joy.

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