Sarah's 2014

By nellie0508

Goody Bag

Super excited to try out my new Easy Mac!
Sara-Marie at work brought back American goodies for me and Ali which includes several packs of easy mac, a little pot of Jif peanut butter for on the go and a Valentines chap stick! I'm so happy to receive these little care packages via her family in the States, it is so very generous of them. Sara-Marie suggested I take a photograph of myself with the treats to send to her auntie which I think she will like, especially as Ted got in on the action too!
Today was a good day at work, we beat our targets and the team were in good form. The new window was installed overnight and it looks green and bright, I took a photo of it today, but the goody bag has to be the photo of the day.
Luke and I walked home together and I told him the news of my offer letter from HR and my new salary, he was very pleased which made me happy.
Since coming home we have put the dinner in the oven and I have eaten an avocado, which I shared with Ted as apparently he likes them too (!), and now are planning our lazy day off tomorrow over a cup of tea.
Today I am grateful for unexpected treats from generous friends and family.

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