Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Grrrr. Argh.

Another brilliant Buffy day at MsInk's!
Smu made these amazing Buffy inspired vegan cupcakes - here's Ser with his 'Demon Lover'! MsInk had 'Bite Me', I had 'Total Witch' and Smu had 'Wiggy', much fun with photos was had ;)
We had lots of chats and laughs and lovely food made by Cinn and followed by MsInk's most incredible Vegan chocolate and ginger cake (to make up for the terrible tofu cheesecake we had last time *shiver*), utterly delicious and we got some to take home too. Mmmmm! Properly spoiled.
Some great Buffy episodes too, we went from The Zeppo to Doppelgangland - 2 of my favourites :)

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