Hard Times

Challenging times are the times when we find who our true friends are, those few people we can turn to when the storm is raging within us, no matter what, no matter when and know in sure and certain knowledge that they will be there with that smile, that gentle word, that quiet confidence that makes you know in your soul that tomorrow will be better... every day a little stronger...

Wiser men than me say you choose your friends but to be honest I am not so sure, those friends you trust beyond all others are not chosen but I think are just meant to be; a gift.

I walked on the foreshore of our river today, the grey sky drifting overhead, the gentle sound of the water swishing rhythmically as if counting out the time and as I walked my steps falling into the hypnotic sound of the waves. The cold in the air was soothing to my hurting hands and face and like so often I found myself sitting in this place that means so much to me thinking about my place in the world.

I heard Glen Hansard shuffle through my Ipod, not a name familiar to many people but if you enjoyed The Commitments he played "Outspan" the guitarist. He is a truly talented songwriter and a powerful but soulful singer and this is a song that sums up to me what those few true friends are...

So as the storm subsides and the sky brightens again think of those friends you love, never tire of telling them, and never let them go, they are as the lyric says a gift; enjoy

This gift will last forever
This gift will never let you down
Some things are made from better stuff
This gift is waiting to be found

Your heart's in wide receiving
Been too long buried in the sand
Some things require leaving
This gift will fall right in your hand
Just try to understand...

If you long enough
And you don't give up
If you're strong enough
And you don't give up
And you...

You'll be no harbour to the sorrow
Just let it go.

Don't hang your head in sorrow
Don't give up just before you win
Don't wait around for tomorrow
Open up your arms and let it in

This gift will last forever
This gift will never let you down
Some things are made from better stuff
This gift is ready to be found
Just you believe it now

This gift will last forever
This gift will never let you down
Some things are made from better stuff
This gift is ready to be found
Your heart's in wide receiving
Been too long buried in the sand
Some things require believing
These things just fall right in your hand
Just try to understand

If you long enough
And you don't give up
If you're strong enough
And you don't give up

The shot is nothing special, a low prospective focused on the grass with the river and sky fading into the background, there is a softness about this I like and I hope wherever you are tonight you are safe and hold true to the thought that your friendship is a welcome gift, valued, never taken for granted...

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