
Is that the time?

23.50 and no pictures taken ....................
What to do?
Just forget it for today?
No - that would be too easy.
I have done absolutely nothing so I have to put the effort into something.
These two are inseparable - they will do!
A bit of fancy off camera flash should do it.
Where are the flash triggers?
Damn! - put away for a change
Runs upstairs and gets them
Why are you not working?
Switch them round and use them as a remote to check they are working.
Yes - that's fine.
Damn - must be the camera/flash setting
(checks menus on the camera)
Looks okay! - What's wrong?
Time is running out!
Tries different setting on the camera - and then flash
Why won't you work??????
(lots of sweary words)
Og God! .... time is running out
I will not be beaten!
To hell with it - it will need to be straight 'on camera' flash.
Well that is rubbish!
No time for another try
Ahh well - sometimes even the pros have problems (I am sure).

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