
By Rosemarie55

Hungry Crow

I am not a happy-bunny today:-( A few days ago I discovered a crow stealing a fatball from the wee birds' feedtray - he took the WHOLE ball in his beak and flew away with it. I couldn't believe it, but it was such a sight I am determined to get a shot of him doing that. For the past few days I have put the fatball on the patio table as I can get a better shot of him there. Today I decided to get a shot of him stealing the ball. He took the first one before I had the camera set up. When I had the camera set up and a new ball on the table I stood for over an hour in my kitchen hide waiting for him. I was aching by then and went into the dining room for a MOMENT, but in that moment he had swooped down and made off with the ball in his beak. I gave up! The blip today is still of him, but taken after the ball had gone! You can see he is a determined and fearless fellow, and quick on the draw! I am going to have a coffee now to recover:-)

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