twinned with trumpton


Immoral Hotel

Strange day; not helped by lack of sleep and MIL encounter.

Got in not as late as I expected and tried to watch Chico and Rita but managed about half of it before coming to at around 1.

Then awake at 7, quick dash through perfunctory household chores and into OT. My normal Friday daddy day care ceded to the MIL for one week only. 4 hours of repetitive but necessary work; I need to get money to pay for being on my own; now I have a home I'm so comfortable and safe and is loved by the boys and a haven for her and place where friends and family pitch up. But I do have to get money to pay for it. I have no regrets about moving here, I love the space and that it's not a battleground as previously....

Then to get Alex from the MIL; which was odd. Not really spoken to her since I gave up living up the road. She was hanging washing up (presumably so outside when I arrived) and stopped, walked over, looked pained. Said she was deeply saddened by events, and asked what heinous thing had happened. I said you don't want to know some of it, and the rest - well, once it goes, it goes. It was broken and quickly became so beyond repair.

She was almost blaming her daughter, not me? Which was odd. Almost like she expected it, and for a mother to think that of a daughter is unusual? Dunno... All very unsettling. I had a school pick up to do, and felt largely ambushed and unprepared, but I've spent the afternoon brooding.

Got the boys home, lunch then out to Granton harbour (west side) but really too breezy to be out so we headed into town, then home again without any real purpose other than to be out.

Spoke to her and she was depressed. She'd had a bad afternoon, falling over her feet, missing G pick up and trailing around town, chain off bike.... It's been a bad week, and this doesn't help.... Even the joy of yesterday's planned Munro jaunt at the end of the month has well and truly evaporated.

Home for toad in the hole and a grounding evening of bath, bedtime stories and trying to track down parents so I can book their airport parking for Sunday....

Reflective, unsettling day.

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