We want Ninna, we want Ninna!!!!

Terrible blip pic (taken in a changing room!) but shows my new phone cover featuring Audrey which came yesterday and I LOVE!!!

Bit of bad news this morning, a client we've been working with needs to push back the timescales on our project by 6-12 months which means we lose their fees for most of the year. They were my client so I desperately need to fill the hours. Spookily we then got a call about some new work today too so I really hope fate has played a hand! Possible meeting Thursday if it comes off, finger's crossed.

Audrey had a great day at nursery (the cuteness continues). They had a nursery outing to the park - a park Audrey knows very well. Apparently they set up on some grass to play ball games etc. but Audrey was having none of it and set off on her own shouting "Cockerel". In the end, they had to move the whole group to the area by the animals just to placate her. On returning to the nursery in their group pushchairs, Audrey led a protest shouting "Ninna" (dinner) repeatedly which all the other children joined in with. The nursery staff said it became quite unbearable in the end and that she was turning into "some kind of gang leader".

I couldn't help but laugh as I could picture ALL of it! That's my girl, alright....

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