Self Portrait

Would be handy wouldn't it. Save all that messing about with tripods, self timers or remote shutter releases. I seem to struggle with the focus on self portraits. Would be no such problem with this set up. I wonder who will be first to pick up on it? I hope it's Canon. Don't want to have to change my kit.

Spoke to Luke on Skype yesterday. He was stopped by 3 plain clothes policeman as he was about to leave work on his motorbike yesterday. He is riding illegally (no licence, no insurance) so he usually pretends to be the English tourist who can't speak mandarin and gets let off. On this occasion, they took him to the police station in a van. Turns out they thought the bike was stolen. A quick call to the previous owner clarified that Luke was the legitimate owner and he was free to go. Only strange thing is that they told Luke that they had been tracking him for 3 days. That story was backed up by the fact that they new his movements of the last 3 days and were ready to pounce when he left work. Question is why the police would put so much effort into tracking a stolen bike? In a country where everyone rides a bike, and many get stolen borrowed on a regular basis. It's to be hoped they don't follow him any more. If they discover that he is fluent in mandarin, they will have him down as a spy.

All very James Bond :-)

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