minnie me

By bmm

window shopping

Saw this cool display of old cameras in a San Carlos store window today. It was a skate shop, of all places (no cameras for sale).

As much as I love photography, I don't know much about old cameras. My first (and only) film camera was an Olympus OM10. It was a gift from my parents, and as a teenage boy the fact that Cheryl Tiegs was promoting it made the camera especially attractive ;).

Chris and I took CalTrain up to San Carlos for lunch & some wandering. It's always fun to take the train (or light rail) and just explore local places. Our other stop was Atherton, where we walked about a mile or so to K&L Wines so I could pick up some bottles I ordered. Whisky & Eau De Vie, not wine. I've shopped here for years - they are a great spirits specialist in addition to wines. Today I was lucky and walked in just as they had stocked Green Spot Irish Whiskey. I know more about Scotch whisky than Irish, but I've heard Green Spot is a good one. Up until now it hasn't been available in the States, so I risked $50 on the bottle. Just opened it now as I'm writing this blip, and I have to say I wish I'd bought two - it's that good.

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