
By mrsc48

Mary's Race Night

This is a photo of afternoon tea. We held a charity do in memory of my mam, it was one of her last wishes that we do this.

Mam asked that we raise money for two charities, The local hospice and hospice at home. The hospice speaks for itself, hospice at home may not be so familiar to everyone. Hospice at home allows people the choice of spending their last few days at home with the care of professionals and their loved ones around them.

We also raised awareness of organ donation.

We held afternoon tea because the night do quickly became over subscribed so we thought 'Why not!'

The night do was in the form of a race night. It's a great way to raise money, not really a great deal of work involved, you sell the horses, get sponsors for the races , get people to attend on the night and thats about it. A great way to raize money.

Our race night was very well supported by friends and family, business colleagues work colleagues and very good friends of mam. 130 tickets sold for the evening and 120 for afternoon tea.

The races were ran, Mr C was MC so it was a light hearted night, not a sombre one and the aim was to raise loads of money.

There were winners and losers but no one loses on these nights because it all goes to charity.

Early indications for the whole event could exceed £5,000. So well worth the effort.

Thanks to all who supported mams wish.

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