
By Moiety

A view from Tyven at 6.30pm

The days are getting longer, but unfortunately spring has taken many steps backwards during this weekend. Here, however, the alder is in bloom with the reddish catkins.

It snowed pretty heavily on Friday night and the temperatures have since remained below zero.

We went to see the film 'American Hustle' yesterday evening. Very good actors, but somehow the storyline was all over the place. Sometimes the film felt like a drama with deep feelings, at other times it turned into a comedy. The fact that both A & I fell asleep for 10 minutes during the film did not help much, either... Maybe we are getting too old for these late night movies.

Today we had some badminton again and drove to my mother's for coffee after lunch. Both of my sisters were there, as well as my daughter and godson. My daughter had just returned from Sölden, Austria from a snowboarding trip. It had been lovely - all sunshine and lots of snow.

We have to go skiing in the Alps again one of these winters, too. Especially of the winters up here are this short.

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