
By Althelite

Day 33: So that's where you got to

I've been swimming in my work pool from the very start of my time doing triathlon. I started by doing a very small try-a-tri event back in 2001(?) in Granton on Spey. I had never swam front crawl with my head down in the water before and it took me a long time to work out the mechanics of swimming and breathing, but I got there in the end. It may not be the best stroke in the world but it gets me from A to B without taking too much out of me and probably puts me in the 1st half of the field - good enough for me.

Today's session was a very steady 50 minute swim where I was only concentrating on being smooth and trying to cover the distance at an easy effort. I came out of the water feeling pretty fresh and could easily stayed in for a lot longer.

The picture is of a surprise find in the disabled shower room. Over the years I have left behind lots of shampoo. I always use the same type to try to counteract the harsh chemicals in the pool but it appears that it has all found it's way here. I'll need to remember that's where to look for it in the future.

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