
By WhatTheJules

It Was Bound To Happen

When you live in California, you expect small earthquakes now and again.

What surprised me when I moved to this area, near Marina Del Rey, was the quantity of quakes we get, and how we feel them just a bit bigger than others feel them, based on our location.

The quake this morning had only one exception. It wasn't centered right near us. It was centered 11.62 miles north of us. It was a 4.4. The last quake I felt had an epicenter on the corner of my block.

This was the only item to break. A bell pepper shaped casserole. I have a set of four, now yellow is gone.

My husband-ish felt it 65 miles away in Laguna Niguel.

I was sitting on the balcony, not where I'd ever want to be in a quake. I had to hold on to walls and furniture to get in the house.

We are fine. The aftershocks have been too small to feel. Just doing our California thing. I use the "I Felt That" app to track the size of quakes.

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