The rest of forever...

By DrMac

How many calories??!!

I know. Another day with no photos. I really must stop working and start doing other stuff!

In a day that started with porridge and an interview live in BBC Radio Humber, it then descended into endless work. I didn't move for hours from the sunroom bench and had real back and neck ache by lunchtime. Idiot.

On my new diet. 1800 calories a day. It's uber healthy and balanced and sensible and I'm even allowed peanut butter, despite one measly spoonful having ZILLIONS OF BLOODY CALORIES! Anyway, I'm eating all the clever sensible salad and greens and rice and rye bread and quinoa and oats and turkey and chicken and I'm positively the healthiest thing alive. Well, today anyway. One day down, many more to follow.

And I'm avoiding the scales. I know damn well with these calories I'm not gonna like the numbers I see on them so I'm pretending they don't exist for a week or two.


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