
By Grimsayer

Another grey day

It wasn't worth going far. In fact I didn't leave the garden but spent six hours on my seawall. I was hoping that might be my blip but progress is slow - and not awfully conducive to a photo.
In the end as you can see I have resorted to my collection of Cowries for today's blip. Never easy to find this collection represents several hours of hunting. For some reason since childhood this has been something to do. For years I thought the black spots were tar or the like - a Torrey Canyon experience did not help. However they are n fact meant to be and indicate that these are the Spotted Cowrie (curiously) rather then the Arctic Cowrie, both of which occur around Britain.
Plain and simple, they are curiously attractive little shells. The Latin name is Trivia Monacha. Trivia is what I am writing and Monacha means solitary which probably explains why they are hard to find. In parts of Scotland they are known as Groatie Buckies - great name and beats Spotted Cowrie hands down.
No shells were harmed in the taking of this blip - they were dead when I found them!

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