Who ate all the pies?
Mr B's parents came over for brunch today, and dessert was freshly baked shortbread and mince pies. This is all that's left and, as you can see, they didn't even make it off the cooling rack onto a serving plate. I've never made teeny tiny mince pies like this before, and if I'm going to use up all the mincemeat in the cupboard, I estimate we'll have to plough our way through 315 of them.
I made some marzipan this morning, to make the star on the top of the star-topped pies. Not sure it turned out quite right. It's nice, but doesn't taste anything like the shop-bought kind. I can't decide if that's a good or a bad thing.
Too cold and windy to go out anywhere today. I did venture out during a 'dry spell' to buy some eggs - but was thoroughly soaked on the way home. So our planned trip up to Haddington for the finale of the Homecoming celebrations was cancelled in favour of a roast beef dinner. In the spirit of overcatering, pudding was left over Yorkshire puddings with syrup. Yum.
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