Choices, choices.
Despite a lovely clear sunny day (ie freezing cold) I didn't get the camera out much. So here's a little summary of what I've been doing today instead. So:
1. Made some cards
2. Made one Christmas decoration
3. Took advantage of the kids being out all day to do some very messy DIY with Mr B (hey, calm down you smutty lot - I do mean DIY)
4. Went to local Council consultation on budget cuts.
(Couldn't fit the monkey wrenches and insulation in the shot - sorry.)
Not much for a day really. I'm sure there were lots of important things I've forgotten... Perhaps being at home so much has just made me inefficient. So here's an efficient blip: it's short (comparatively) and contains a numbered list.
Purists might argue there are too many brackets for it to be truly efficient. And they'd be right.
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