The Square of Charlotte

One of the very few nice things about a Monday is the arrival of the Chief Economist's weekly briefing. This week we learn that the Office for National Statistics has added car washing by hand to the basket of goods and services used to calculate inflation. But DVD recorders have gone! I've still got one. Cost a fortune too.
Anyway, I've been getting into mail merge as I need to lift data from a spready and pop it into bespoke letters to demand payment for the upcoming lift in and summer season.
I never got that far: George's list of boats, cradles and trailers was pure mince. I knew he just kept most of that stuff in his deranged napper.
Sadly I woke at 6am after a fitful sleep seeing boats and spreadsheets. Gagh! Just as well I don't have a demanding job. I'd be stressed to buggery.

(Another uninteresting shot with ill considered effects ladled on)

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