Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Displacement Activity

This is what happens when I am supposed to be working....

The poor dog is stir crazy and very bored - the five staples in her paw have mysteriously become four, but the cut is healing nicely so I haven't taken her back to the vet to be re-stapled. I tried a short walk in the park with her this morning but she was hobbling - we did spot a couple of dogs having a bit of doggie love (at 8.15am, disgraceful) and I was amused to hear their owners shrieking at them "Oscar" and "Harvey"- either Harvey is a girl's name or Oscar is a tad confused.

The only other incident of note today was me dipping my hand into a packet of crisps on my desk and finding it was gerbil food. Yummy.

Cook tea, drink wine, congratulate myself on having a son who can drive himself to tennis and the pub quiz, watch Shetland, make fuss of depressed dog, that's what's ahead for me this evening,

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