
By pixelatedpete


whenever we go for walks on or near RSPB reserves i often find myself hiding my camera. it isn't a bad camera, but it isn't anything fancy either and when i see people with their scopes and their zillion pound lenses and bodies (cameras, rather than people! :-)) i feel a bit intimidated, like folks are seeing my "kit" lens and sneering. Maybe they are, more likely they're not, and it is all entirely in my head! oh well!

our neighbour must spend a fortune on bird seed because there are always lots of birds in her garden (and ours). we're very grateful to her as they are wonderful to sit and watch.

this cold monday morning the local flock of starlings has been alternating between braving the wild wind and chattering in the apple tree. when i opened the back door i scared them away so i stood and waited for them to return, using my foot to hold the door open against the wind - freezing my toes off - i've put socks on now! - and got a few nice pictures. maybe i could've zoomed closer, but in truth i like these silhouettes, maybe even more than a natty (oft fixed) close-up. ;-)

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