
By Omuraudrey

Junior high school graduation

Today was my last junior high school graduation in Japan. This one was especially heart-wrenching because I have been teaching this group of kids since they were 6th graders and I watched them graduate elementary school and junior high school.

I got my tears out the other day though when we had our last classes together. I didn't mean to and I didn't want to cry, but they just came out. The ironic part is that I started tearing up when I was teaching them a quote by Dr. Seuss, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."

I didn't cry at graduation. I almost did when they sang a song from their choral competition. I've heard that song SO many times because the third years sing it at the choral contest and graduation, and I hear them practicing it everyday. It was probably the last time I will ever hear that song!

I am very proud of this group of kids. We've come a long way together and have laughed and grown a lot in the past four years. I hope I can meet them again someday and see how they've grown up.

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