Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

In delicate motion..

Gently did it come, unbidden and mostly unnoticed. From what airy loft it fell, in some turbulent wind cast aside from the rest, a little twig floating upon the river made its journey. It's soft motion slowly turning, bending light at its edges as the water carried it in its arms. Upon grey water its clean limb shone sparkling white, a magical wand drifting in a grey reflected sky. I watched as it fell into an eddy and began to spin. A whirling, dizzying dance, sometimes looking joyful and sometimes appearing futile and hopeless. Trapped in its indecision, twirling about a hidden centre. My mind fell into a sympathetic mood, how like us it felt, unaware of its future as it gently made its way to this point, now caught in what seemed an unending spiral.

A breeze rippled the surface and it was all that was needed to free the little cast off, on its way to the wier and down into the maelstrom....lost to my eye.

I stood watching the empty space where it had been......always the thoughtful watcher. I turned and left.

From here....from my view....the world, the universe, this life.....makes me thankful and see heaven in a broken twig......

Have a good day folks.

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