Wednesday: Private Showing

Guess who forgot to change the ISO settings from last night..........*slightly annoyed sigh at self*............

This afternoon I went to the movies (again - see yesterday) with my colleague.  But lest you think I was shirking my 'fficial duties, we were actually there to see a short documentary related to work.  It was a film made by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and told the stories of five individuals who had gone to The Hague to testify in ICTY trials.  

Unfortunately, the film, which was in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian didn't have subtitles and no translation was provided so I really didn't get the full benefit.  I was talking to the Canadian filmmaker beforehand (who also doesn't speak any of those languages) who said that he felt translation was not appropriate as it would detract from the message.  I have to say, I completely disagree and feel they have missed a trick there.  It is also going to limit those who can watch the movie, which is surely not the idea.  


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