Tuesday: The Last Row

This is the view you love when you have a particularly tight transit in Paris - the very last row of the aircraft, row 35.  Seriously, the only way I could have been further back was if I had sat on the cabin crew's lap!

My flight out of Manchester was delayed by about 1h 45min, meaning that my comfortable transit time of 2 1/2 hours was reduced to about 45 mins.  Still, I made it, so did my case, and here I am back in Zagreb.  K. is staying on for a few more days and comes back on Thursday.

The cats are well and seem as indifferent as ever to seeing me.  Our lovely catsitter has left us the customary notes.  Here is an extract from the latest round: 'When I opened the door, sleepy Max arrived to say hallo :), I think he came from bedroom.  Fred was smiling from downstairs, he was on the couch. still very sleepy.  We spent some time chatting and cuddling, then I offered Max a drink from the bathtub (hi, hi, hi, he's so sweet while he drinks water from pipe........)' - we are keeping all these notes, needless to say.


Finished 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' on my flight on Friday.  I enjoyed it well enough, but I really enjoyed the three short stories that were in the same volume.  I will definitely have to explore more short stories by Capote.  Over the last couple of days, I have read 'Excellent Women' by Barbara Pym, a cracking read by an author I am would also now like to explore more.  With excellent timing, I read the last page as we touched down tonight so next up will be 'Red Dust - A Path Through China' by Ma Jian.

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