
By H0lly

The Palace

Today was a big day. I got up early and headed into the city to have my meeting with the teaching agency and confirm everything with my position at Plumstead. This involved my first experience on the tube where I learnt my first London lesson: never stop moving and you'll be ok. There are a lot of people down there in the tube, and they're all in a hurry!

The office I was heading to was located above a cool little pub called The Blueberry Bar. I was way too early, so I treated myself to a eggs benedict and a (GIANT) cup of tea. The meeting went well and just involved finalising paperwork and finally meeting the people I've been speaking to on the phone every second day for the last month!

From my meeting I headed to Baker Street as it was just a short tube ride away. I took photos of 221b Baker St and wandered around the Sherlock Holmes gift store next door. There is a museum too, but I decided to save that trip for another day!

Next I headed for Buckingham Palace. Another tube ride (totally pro now) and I arrived at St James Park station. First, I bought myself a UK sim card, then I was on strict tourist duty for the remainder of the afternoon. It was pretty cool seeing Buckingham Palace, but I was more impressed with the stunning parks that surrounded it. It was also swarming with tourists, so that is why I decided to take a photo from further away-- No tourists and I got to include a gorgeous cherry blossom.

My end point for the afternoon was Waterloo as I was meeting a friend for some drinks, so I took my time strolling down Birdcage walk, which was beautiful. The lake, bare trees, bright flowers (and some cheeky squirrels!) all added to the 'London experience'. And there it was - Big Ben! (Fun fact: the tower is actually Elizabeth Tower, Big Ben is just the bell inside).

I must say Westminster Abbey blew me away. It is stunning. I really couldn't get a photo that I thought did it justice, so I'll keep trying and blip it another day. I did get a panoramic shot of it, the River Thames and the London Eye that I was proud of but panoramic shots don't really blip well due to size contrasts.

I had a lovely night catching up and having a few drinks with my friend apart from the fact I lost my phone (or I was pick-pocketed), not sure which one, but either way, lesson learnt.

On the train home two very drunk english lads boarded.
Lad 1: 'Whats your name?'
Me: 'Holly.'
Lad 2: 'I think we're on the wrong train...Do you know how to get to the Northern Line?'
Me: 'I've only been here two days, sorry.'
*Laughs* 'I've lived here me whole life...what a disgrace.' *Train stops* 'We gotta get off!!'
Lad 1: 'Byeee Polly!'


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