
By H0lly


Yes, I thought I'd get this photo taken and out of the way, we all knew it was coming! These telephone boxes are so typically English, and to my surprise they are literally everywhere. Maybe they keep them around to keep tourists happy, because I don't think anyone uses them anymore! In order to make the telephone box stand out I put a sepia filter on the rest of the photo - quite happy with the result.

Today I spent the morning wondering around Greenwich. I visited The Royal Observatory, home of the Prime Meridian of the World, which was pretty cool and provided some gorgeous views. I came back to the hostel for lunch, and gave Damian a call, luckily he was still awake!

This afternoon I went to view a room in a newly refurbished and refurnished house near Westcombe Park Station. It was lovely, and all new housemates are moving in in the coming week - a student, a teacher and a professional. For this reason, I wouldn't have the chance to meet them before moving in but I think I'm going to risk it! I can move in immediately, cheap rent, great location for work and access to the city, AND I can unpack my monstrosity of a suitcase and have my own room once again. I'm just going to bite the bullet and trust the positives will continue to outweigh the negatives!

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