Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

A nice thing each day...

A member on a forum I'm on has challenged her children to do a nice thing for one person for every day on their advent calender and I think I'll do the same.

I know you should pretty much always do nice things for people for no reason but I admit that I don't do it as often as I should. So for the month of December I'm going to make a real effort to start doing selfless things and giving more than I take. :)

Work was pretty boring today and then on the way home I hit some black ice and the car skidded for a long while. Gave me a real fright but made me realise I have to be cautious in my wee car when the bad weather starts. The car spins at the slightest moisture on the road or icy patch so I've learned to take tight corners veeeeeeeery easily. Came home and spent so much time making my dinner that I didn't really want it by the end of it so had a bar of chocolate instead. Ah healthy eating... :)

In a bit of a weird mood at the moment. Probably just sleepy and yuk but I'm quite looking forward to today being over.

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