Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

A Day of Colour

Today felt like an extremely loooooong day. Woke up at 5am to the guy upstairs deciding to stagger home and either drop something heavy or fall over in a drunken stupor. I secretly hope it was the latter.

I had to be at work because a Scottish Minister was visiting at 7am so had to be in work for half six. Drudged through 9 hours of work in a dreamy fog and genuinely can't remember most of the day.

Had a lovely dinner over at Acronymphomanias. He made really lovely burgers despite being a little miffed his car is kaput. Green Flag came out to have a look but said they wouldn't fix it so it's having to go into the garage. Eeeps.

Didn't make it to the meet last night unfortunately as a result of both me and the car dying. So went home, had an early night and got about 9 hours sleep. God my life is interesting. ;)

Oh. To the actual photo. Yesterday I said that for every day in December I was going to do a random nice thing for someone.

Day 1. I invited my little cousin who's 12 over to make Christmas decorations at the weekend. She's suitably excited. :)

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