at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Modern technology

Here's Ivy having a chat with her cousin Aurora.

I've been meaning to do a blip for ages of the back of Ivy's head to commemorate her bald spot which is now growing in :(

Big milesstone- Ivy slept through the night for the first time! She came to our bed about 10 for a feed but when Euan came to bed he woke her up and she wouldn't settle, so we put her next door. I think she cried a bit, but we didn't respond to the monitor until 6.45am when Euan went to get her. Very pleased with her!

Ivy usually gets really fussy about noon, to the extent where I have to carry her about yet when Euan comes home for lunch she always cheers up immediately. I thought maybe he distracts her, but today I've realised it's more likely that Ivy gets upset because she knows he's meant to be home soon. The summer holidays (daddy all day every day for 6 weeks) is going to blow her mind :D

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