Clackmannan Tower

This afternoon we took Rona and Isla over to the Kincardine Bridge (Higgins Neuk roundabout) for a walk and to see if those elusive egrets were about. We did get that walk but the only white birds around were numerous gulls and a pair of swans. It was good however to get back to the car as, while the sun was bright, the wind was strong and bitter cold. Back home sharpish for a hot drink!
Like most of you, probably, we have been keeping an eye on the continuing story of the missing airliner. There has been so much conflicting news that I cannot make up my mind who to believe. I fear that it is now too much to hope for the passengers to suddenly be spotted in the jungle or on an island somewhere. Sadly, all that we can do now is to find out where and maybe then why.

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